There are pictures of Basenji's on the Egyptian tombs dating back to pre-3000BC and they are still found in their native Africa.
Basenjis are highly valued by the African tribesmen because of their hunting abilities. It has been reported that some tribesmen held these dogs in such high regard that they cost more than a wife. Although, sadly, in some tribes, if the hunting instinct was lacking they ended up in the cooking pot.
The African hunter, more often that not, carries the Basenji around his neck when he is not actually workig. Because the Basenji is barkless it is fitted with a bell, made from a dried gourd with a monkey bone-clapper or filled with pebbles, that is fixed around it neck. Generally the dog is used as a beater, driving the game towards nets manned by hunters, who then dispatch the prey. It will also circle an animal at great speed, holding it at bay until the hunter arrives to deal with it.
Basenjis were brought to Australia in 1946, by Dr Caselberg, who bred them until 1953. Most of these early dogs went to pet homes, and from 1957 to 1960 no Basenjis were bred in Australia. However, they were being bred in New Zealand and around 1960, Basenjis reappeared in Australia. By 1970 Basenjis were being bred in almost every state.
This is an excerpt from a book written by Veronica Tudor-Williams, "Basenjis, The Barkless Dogs". Possibly no one could be better qualified to describe the many charms of the Basenji.
" Much of the charm of Basenjis lies in their individuality and in their extreme intelligence. At times, no dog can be naughtier than a Basenji, but no dog has brought apology to a finer art. How can one be cross with an animal which lies on its back with both paws folded over its eyes, or stands on its head turning somersaults, or peeps round the door watching the reactions of an indignant owner, yodelling loudly when it finds the moment of retribution can no longer be averted?
Their own particular noise is best described as a mixture of a chortle and a yodel. Basenjis use this unique gift as a form of speech, as one owner said,
"they do not bark, they talk," different intonations of yodel being used to express different reactions.
They are very sensitive as a breed, responding to love and kindness, and they should never be shouted at or treated roughly.
Their extreme cleanliness, ease of house training and total lack of doggy smell makes them hard to beat as house pets. They are known to wash themselves like cats, and will dry each other and their owner's clothes after a walk in the rain, whilst a human having a bath holds endless fascination, the washing and drying being helped and hindered all the time.
After a few days, they are no longer dogs around the house, but a fascinating, lovely part of a home. In fact, they are dogs, cats, children and the essence of the wild all in the form of a little imp."
By Veronica Tudor-Williams.
Well I hope you have found this interesting and have learnt something new today, it's always good to learn something new each day.